Wisdom from the Dalai Lama♡


TCHH FB post Feb 20 2018 Dalai Lama quote. PEACE does not mean an absence of conflicts

(¯`•.•´¯) ♡☆Pace☆♡
.`•.¸¸. Wisdom from the Dalai Lama♡

“Peace does not mean
an absence of conflicts;
differences will always be there.
Peace means solving these differences
through peaceful means;
through dialogue, education, knowledge;
and through humane ways.”
~~ The Dalai Lama ~~

We are BLESSED to live together
on this BEAUTIFUL planet. ♡ 
We are diverse yet we are ONE. ♡ 
Let’s take some time today to UNDERSTAND
one another rather than judge;
and in doing so, let’s shift our FOCUS to bringing
PEACE to OUR beautiful WORLD! ♡ 

Pace, L♡VE, and Light! 
Keep Shining!   
~~ Mai

Open to the Realm of Possibilities! ♡

Want a reading or healing by Mai?
Here’s the info:

`*.¸.* Mai is an International Psychic,
Reiki Master, Shaman, Healer and Spiritual Counsellor
who has been Blessed with “Gifts from Spirit”
starting at an early age. ♡
Through numerous readings and healings,
Mai has been Blessed to be able to help
a diverse spectrum of people
across this beautiful world…
(including Australia, Japan, the U.S.,
and of course her home country of Canada).

If you would like to schedule a reading or
healing or spiritual empowerment session,
email Mai at mysticmai@outlook.com ♡
or you may also contact Mai at

Sessions are done in person, online, or by phone.♡
You do not have to be in the same room to receive
a reading or healing.♡
Spiritual empowerment coaching can be done online
or by phone as well.♡

I look forward to being in service to the Creator and
assisting you on your path. ♡
♡♡♡♡ ☆ ★ ☼ Pace and L♡VE ☼ ★ ☆ ♡♡♡♡

♡ ☆ ★ ☼ Coming Home to ME ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡


♡ ☆ ★ ☼ Coming Home to ME ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡

It has been almost a month since I have written in this blog
so I thought I would share some thoughts with you this morning…

“When you know yourself you are Empowered.
When you accept yourself you are Invincible.”
~ Tina Lifford

This quote holds great significance for me at this time in my life.
I have been taking a spiritual course which has had me not only advance on my spiritual path
but it also has had a profound affect in every aspect of my life. ♡

The course is in another province than the one I am in so getting there and back has been quite an adventure.
That (along with the shifts that have been occurring) has caused me to take a bit of a break from writing here
as I have been listening to my body when it says to rest. ♡

The changes I am feeling are quite profound as I feel this course is definitely opening me up to who I really AM…

Rumi (a 13th century Sufi poet and mystic) once said:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”

I have been visiting that field and I will continue to do so.
I have been (and still AM) coming home to ME.

Wishing you PEACE and LOVE ♥ 😀
~ Mai

♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ♡

`*.¸.* ´Mai is an International Psychic,
Reiki Master, Shaman, Healer and Spiritual Counsellor
who has been Blessed with “Gifts from Spirit” starting at an early age. ♡
Through numerous readings and healings,
Mai has been Blessed to be able to help a diverse spectrum of people
across this beautiful world…
(including Australia, Japan, the U.S., and of course her home country of Canada).
♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡

If you are interested in having
please CONTACT HER at:
for more details. ♡

♡♡♡♡ ☆ ★ ☼ P☮ace and L♡VE ☼ ★ ☆ ♡♡♡♡

♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡ ☆ ★ ☼ ★ ☆ ♡

♡ Wishing YOU a Happy International Day of Peace ♡


♡ Wishing YOU a Happy International Day of Peace ♡

Hello all! ♡
♡ Happy International Day of Peace ♡

I hope you are TRUE-ly enJOYing the BEAUTIFUL energies that are being shared across the globe today
September 21, 2013 (the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE).
I spent my morning with like-minded souls at a “Oneness” Event which really fit in well with the theme of today being: ♡ A DAY TO CELEBRATE PEACE. ♡
To me PEACE and ONENESS go hand in hand so I chose to celebrate today by spending the morning with Meditations and Blessings (both giving and receiving). ♡

♡ The energy is so WONDERFUL at these events that I wish they were held more often. ♡
♡ To be honest, I TRUE-ly wish that the International “DAY” of Peace would be EVERY DAY! ♡

Can you imagine what our world would be like if everyone just took a few moments a day to
wish/pray/meditate for WORLD PEACE? ♡
I personally think that collectively, we could move mountains! 😉
♡♡♡ What do YOU think? ♡♡♡

Wishing you PEACE and LOVE ♥ 😀
~ Mai

Work in Progress… NOW is the time to stop the re-emerging cycle of allowing negative people to think it is okay to spew all over you!


Work in Progress... NOW is the time to stop the re-emerging cycle of allowing negative people to think it is okay to spew all over you!

It has been quite a few days since I have written…
Frankly, this is because the last few days have been ones of great internal shifts for me.
I didn’t want to write anything that sounded “negative” or “sad”…
and so I did not write.

However, while we are in this human form, there will be times in our lives when “negativity” or “sadness” appears.
It is part of the human experience and it is up to us how we handle it.

Friday the 13th came and went…
and lol yes, I attracted a lot of Goddess energy and actually enJOYed the day very much. 😉 ♥ 😀

A “negative” person had insisted (the day before) that she was going to come to where I was working on this day but lol I guess the positive vibes were high because that person decided not to show up!
Maybe Friday the 13th “negative belief” energies “got her”… lol who knows? ;p
She just didn’t show and frankly, she was not missed. I was busy and didn’t even think of her insisting that she will be there until after the fact and the day had ended without her showing up.
All in all, it was a wonderful day! 😉 ♥ 😀

Then Saturday came and there was a bit of chaos while this person was at the store that I was working at.
Another person has been noted as saying that this person was definitely “having a bad day” so I was not the only one who observed this. This person has a LOT of bad days though so it seems to be a TREND.
It is their path though and I do not judge.
It just IS what it IS.

What has really gotten me thinking though is the realization that I have been absorbing negative energy from this person without even realizing it AT FIRST.
Now those last couple of words are the “key” here: “AT FIRST”…
because when I take a long hard look at this, I really do think that
at some level I was aware that this was taking place…
But why? WHY allow this to happen?
(Ahhh those lessons…)

Being empathic and having worked extensively with energy, I am usually well aware of what is happening.
However, in this case scenario, I really was acting like I was in a “fog”.
I could feel that I was deflecting negative energy (acting as a “buffer” if you will) whenever this person was around.
In fact, I was even aware that I was absorbing some of it because there would be times where I would “catch myself” sending loving, healing energy to this person.
(I was doing this “automatically” because I am a healer and my first instincts were to want to help.)
It wasn’t until I actually heard this person ANGRILY SCREAMING at the top of her lungs at her kid that I started to open my eyes.
This person claims to be “Spiritual”… how “Spiritual” is that?
Again, not judging but the question does have merit.

Eyes open, seeing the person for what they really are… I continued to send loving, healing energy.
From what I was seeing,
they needed it more than ever!

However, if the person you are sending loving, healing energy to IS NOT OPEN to receive it then it won’t help them no matter how hard you try.
AND IF the person is an energy vamp, then they will just SUCK YOU DRY!

Now don’t get me wrong…
I am NOT blaming or accusing anyone of being an “energy vamp” but this phenomena DOES occur.
There are also people who are “suck energy” from you without even realizing that they do so. People who are stressed and/or used to the “negative attention” that “drama” in their lives bring them, usually fall into this category. They crave attention and well if “negative attention” or “drama” is the only way that they will get it, then they will go after that…. causing disturbances, making “mountains out of molehills” and so on…
I’m sure you all have come across this type at one time or another.

But getting back to the point I was trying to make earlier…
WHY would I allow this to happen?

Well, I think “timing” had a bit to do with it.
September holds the day which is the anniversary of my mom’s death
so I was a bit “sad” to begin with.
I was not in a “higher vibrational” state-of-mind and well “like” attracts “like” so I drew to me the attentions of someone with “lower’ and “negative” energies.

I also think “jealousy” (which is another “lower vibration”) played another part in this
because as I became happier in what I was doing, there were a couple of people (including the above-mentioned) who seemed to really despise this.
Interesting how “petty” some people can be but what is even more interesting is what my response to it was.
I went into a “people pleasing” type mode and was “polite” to the one being “negative”.

In an attempt to “fit in”
[which frankly is absurd because I truly will never “fit in” with this type of “negative” person nor would I really want to],
I put up with “negativity” in many forms (including their lying and their “inappropriate touching” whereby they actually took their finger and “poked” me in the stomach while making a derogatory remark!)
That in itself is a whoooole other story! :S

Anyways, the whole scenario has me looking at my response to it all
and I am seeing places where I need to change.
People will treat you the way you show them it is okay to treat you.
Negative or not, this person felt it was “okay” to spew their “negative” and often “drama-filled” energy my way,
even to the point of “projection”
and frankly, whether consciously or unconsciously, I allowed this….

I am still working on fully understanding WHY…
As I truly thought my “people-pleasing” days ended long ago…
But this whole scenario has me questioning THAT along with other issues that transpired.

I allowed it… I see that now
and it is up to me to make the necessary changes to ensure that I do NOT allow this again.
It is really UP TO ME!
Looks like THIS “Happy Hippie” definitely has some more INNER WORK to DO!

Wishing you PEACE and LOVE ♥ 😀
~ Mai

A Matter of Perspective ♥ … Happy Friday the 13th! ;) ♥ :D


A Matter of Perspective ♥ ... Happy Friday the 13th! ;) ♥ :D

I laughed so hard when I first read this! ♥ 😀

There are many who think today is a day of “bad luck” but really is there such a thing?

What we PERCEIVE is what we RECEIVE…
Our thoughts lead us to what we attract…

I’ve heard the number 13 is a Goddess number. ♥
I THINK I will ATTRACT that ENERGY for this day over anything that is “unlucky” or “scary”! 😉 ♥ 😀

But I must admit the “magic machete” still makes me grin! 😉 ♥ 😀 😀 😀

HAPPY Friday the 13th, everyone! 😉 ♥ 😀

~ Mai

Loving yourSELF is the key ♥


Loving yourSELF is the key ♥

I just got home and came online to find many postings, articles, and even emails talking about LOVE.
It seems like LOVE these days has become a “holy grail” so to speak whereby everyone is searching but not many are finding it. It makes you wonder… why is that? Is LOVE really that elusive?
Many are searching for the “ideal mate”, a partner that will love them unconditionally, accept their flaws and celebrate their successes. In this search for love outside of the self, one often overlooks a key aspect to any successful relationship and that key is this:
In today’s world there are so many gimmicks (everything from products to books and workshops) promising you the “elusive keys” to “unlock the door to love”.
I think the key is quite simple really. Love yourSELF and the rest will come.
(This actually applies to every aspect of your life.) 😉
When you focus on yourSELF, LOVING YOU, and BEing comfortable BEing alone with YOU…
THAT is when the opposite seems to occur: you start to attract interest from others.
But is it really “the opposite” or is it that the ENERGY SHIFTS when you start loving yourSELF?
Remember: thought forms are energy so as you shift your thinking about this and your attitude towards yourSELF, THINGS CHANGE!
Place your FOCUS on yourSELF and others will too.
However, LIKE BEGETS LIKE so if you really aren’t loving yourSELF AUTHENTICALLY then chances are you will ATTRACT more of the SAME to you…
ie) someone who has their own “issues” in the areas of “self love” , “worthiness” or even “anger”…
all of which stem from low vibrations while LOVE resides in the higher vibrations.
When you TRUE-ly put yourSELF in the “equation”
you unlock the “secret formula” to attracting the LOVE you want.
So get out there! LOVE yourSELF! And by all means, BE CHOOSY!
Don’t “settle” for someone stuck in a lower vibration.
It really IS “better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one”!
LOVE yourSELF and attract the RIGHT ONE!

Wishing you PEACE and LOVE ♥ 😀
~ Mai




Many things are coming to LIGHT ♥
The world is AWAKENING to the TRUTH ♥
May we ALWAYS hold on to the vision of PEACE! ♥

I remember everything about 9/11…
I was at my father’s farm, canning pickles…
The television set was on & I watched in disbelief
as our life changed…
It wasn’t just the United States that changed…
The ripple effect of this enormous tragedy was felt around the world…
So many were traumatized…
Many wanted to close their eyes…
There was a SHIFT in the world…

And today with people AWAKENING to the TRUTH…
The world is SHIFTing again….

May we NEVER ever forget.
May the souls of those who lost their lives in 911
May the eyes of those still living be AWAKENED…
May we CHANGE the reality of war to PEACE. ♥

It starts with US…♥

~ Mai


ALLOWing the LIGHT from withIN


ALLOWing the LIGHT from withIN

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
~ Plato

Indeed! This truly IS the real tragedy of life… but did you ever wonder why this is? Why would someone be afraid of the LIGHT?

I think that this happens because these people are not willing to leave their “comfort zones” and embrace the change that the Light initiates within them. I know from personal experience that in order to fully embrace the Light and allow it to come into you, you must first deal with your “inner demons” (issues which are “holding you back” and “blocking” you from moving forward in your life). These issues will come up for you and (more often than not) they come up hard and fast!

Many do not wish to delve into this and would rather not face change since they feel more comfortable where they are (EVEN IF this means that where they are Is NOT making them happy NOR is it where they want to be!) Again the whole “comfort zone” concept comes into play here. Issues come up to be examined, healed, and cleared so you may move on but unless you really “do the work”, they will just come back at a later date and with a bit more “oomph” attached to them (so as to ensure that you really DID get the lesson that time). 😉 Hence, you get on that endless cycle of “reoccurring lessons” until you actually stop, take a look, and DEAL with it. It’s actually quite dualistic…

We all are Spiritual BEings in human bodies. We came here to EXPERIENCE! Thus, we are all dualists at this stage of human development. We may step into a unified field for a period of time but in order to sustain this transformation, we must first come back down into the dualities and work things through. Once we learn the valuable lessons then we are able to move on. Once we actually DO the inner work required, we OPEN up to marvelous possibilities and our lives are never quite the same! 😀

The problem for many is the fear of what lies ahead before they “get there”… Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of finally dealing with those “inner demons” and also fear of the PAIN that may come up for them when they DO deal with it! Let’s face it… it is not so much the LIGHT that many are afraid of… it is “GETTING TO IT” with all potentialities of perhaps FEELING those feelings we have pushed down deep… THAT is what many fear.

When it comes to life’s lessons, I have often heard the phrase the “School of Hard Knocks” but I feel it should be really called the “School of Heart Knocks”! 😉 😀
It is only when we go through our real-life experiences and challenges and getting to the “HEART” of the matter, that we really do start to change. Our hearts open and we can then evolve towards a deeper spiritual life.

There are many who pretend to “get it”… I have to admit I have done this on some levels in the past too. When you aren’t ready you just aren’t ready but pretending not to be fragmented does no service to anyone, especially not to yourSELF and it certainly does not make one WHOLE. Living an AUTHENTIC life is key! Being TRUE to yourSELF, being TRUE to your PASSION and frankly, not giving a rat’s *ss about those who choose to judge or condemn… (which actually really says more about them than you anyways!) 😉

… well, I feel THAT is the way to ALLOW the LIGHT in.
(It’s already IN you… it’s up to you to ALLOW it!) 😉

I’m no expert and believe-you-me, I definitely am a “work in progress” but I do know one thing for sure: The inner work you DO NOW reaps magnificient rewards! I want to truly be at ONE with SOURCE and experience this with my mind, body, and spirit… not just from a standpoint of the “superficial self” or what many have termed the “ego”. I want to embrace ALL of it… moment by moment… living in the NOW. 😀
How about you? Are you ready to show up for ALL of it? 😉

Wishing you PEACE and LOVE! ❤ 😀
~ Mai




The link is from facebook but this is a WORLDWIDE EVENT so for those of you who do not utilize facebook, please read on past the link….


With LOVE and INTENTION we can make a difference
Join us in sending LOVE and LIGHT into Egypt! ♥

(organized by my friends Kirsi Voutilainen and Joel Clark)

When?  September 9 at 5:00pm until September 30 at 7:00pm in UTC+02
Where?  In your own PEACE and LIGHT
  • Please join and share this invitation to join for praying for Light for Egypt and awakening of new energies.This event started when i (Kirsi) became FB friends with Joel Clark and felt huge connection. Then of of his friends asked me to go in her own words “sanctuary of Sekhmet in Luxor Temple and pray for the white healing light to encircles Egypt with healing and protective posotive energy”
    You can join this event when ever is suitable for you.. ( the time does not matter)You can join us weekly – every monday , until further notice.I was chatting with Joel Clark– asking from him that I can use his text here, so here it is:The key is to focus on total purity of being. To understand that each soul is an eternal Light Essence of great magic which needs nothing of the Earth in truth and craves no power or position (things of the ego). The Light Essence of the soul is eternal and beyond the body; when it finally takes charge the body will become one with it and need no food, or shelter but will pass easily from this into other dimensions and back. Think upon this nature of the soul and pray for all souls that they may know their Light Essence which will free them from all worries and fears.””Much can be overted if people in Egypt would turn to the Ancient Neters of Light and call down their protection upon Egypt. Those Lords and Ladies of Light have total power. But they can only use it when mankind looks to them and acknowledges their reality. So praying to Isis and Osiris, calling upon Toth-Hermes and Melchezideck will influence the saving of Egypt greatly. Even a small group and or individuals will make a tremendous difference and help open the heart vision of others!” In Loving Light Wisdom!In Light and Love Kirsi & JoelSITUATION EGYPT: HOW TO PRAY FOR EGYPT


    Thus do not ask “God,” the “Divine,” “Allah,” or the “Neters,” to accomplish what you want; the Gods will not do for mankind what mankind can do for themselves . The Divine wants you to recognize the Divine in you; wants you to know and discover your power as you are one with Him/Her.

    Thus say for example: “I surround Egypt with the pure, white and immaculate Power and Light of Isis and Osiris!” or “I call the all perfecting power and fiery white Light of Hermes and Melchizedeck down upon Egypt and her people.”

    Create your prayer in your own words, to suite your own feelings, but use the command “I.” In this way you are acknowledging your own divine power given you by the Creator/Creatrice.

    Repeat your prayer like a mantra. Say it as much as you can over and over! Feel the power of your will behind it. Give it all your sincere devotion.

    All who do so will have a tremendous impact on the welfare of Egypt!

    In Loving Light Wisdom,
    Joel Clark”

Added message from Kirsi Voutilainen:  “We have almost 300 people joining to this light work… ++ all those who are joining through other connections or groups… Love you all- thank you.

I am back in Luxor so I’ll go to the temple of Luxor tomorrow…. I have to go there earlier, because I have promised not to go around alone during to dark.
In Luxor it is not curfew, but day time is better time to go around.. So I will start at 4pm local time…. and you can join to the energy when is the best time for you. We need also send Light to all Middle east, Obama and all the other leaders in the world.. May peace grow stronger ♥ “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bv_g2BG4mM

Love makes the world go round!




but there is TRUTH in this.

Thoughts are energy…

thoughts become actions…

actions beget change…

and what better change than that

which is based on LOVE?

Wishing YOU all positive change in your lives brothers and sisters.

Live, breathe, and BE the change you want to see in this world.

Focus your attention on the LOVE and watch MIRACLES happen! 😉

~ Mai
